In my long forgotten cloistered sleep, 在我那被遺忘的、與世隔絕的長眠裡 You and I were resting close in peace. 你和我曾在一片詳和中憩息相依 Was it just the dreaming of my heart? 那僅是我心中的一場夢嗎? Now I'm crying, don't know why. 我哭泣著 無來由的
Where do all the tears come from (to my eyes)? 這盈滿(於我眼裡)的眼淚從何而來? Could no one ever dry up this spring? 沒有誰能夠止住這般湧泉嗎? If you find me crying in the dark, 如果你尋見我在黑暗中哭泣 Please call my name from the heart. 請叫喚我的名字 打從心底
Sing with me a tiny autumn song, 和我共吟一首小小秋曲 Weep me melodies of the days gone by. 用那訴說著已逝往日的旋律為我弔泣 Dress my body all in flowers white, 將我的身體飾於深深的鮮花白裡 So no mortal eye can see. 再也無一世人能見
Where have all my memories gone (and lost)? 我所有離散(和遺失)的回憶都去了何處? Should I roam again up yonder hill? 我是否應該再一次漫徊於那方山丘? I can never rest my soul until 我將永遠無法安息我魂 直到 You call my name, you call my name from the heart. 你叫喚我的名字 你叫喚我的名字 打從心底
(la la la...)
In my long forgotten cloistered sleep, 在我那被遺忘的、與世隔絕的長眠裡 Someone kissed me whispering words of love. 有人呢喃著愛的耳語輕吻了我 Is it just a longing of my heart? 這僅是我內心的某份渴望嗎? Such a moment of such peace. 那是何等平靜的時刻
Where do all the tears come from (to my eyes)? 這盈滿(於我眼裡)的眼淚從何而來? With no memories why should I cry? 毫無任何記憶我又為何哭泣? I can never rest my soul until you call my name, 我將永遠無法安息我魂,直到你呼喚我名 You call my name, you call my name. 你呼喚我名 你呼喚我名 Call my soul from the heart. 打從心底呼喚著我的靈魂啊
Hello darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again, Because a vision softly creeping, Left its seeds while I was sleeping, And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence. 嗨,黑暗,我的老朋友...... 我又來跟你談天了。 因為有個畫面趁我在睡夢中降臨,留下了種籽。 就算在這片沉寂的聲音之中,它也深植在腦海裡、揮之不去。
In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone, Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of A neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence. 在這騷動的夢裡,我一個人走著。 夢中有著鵝卵石鋪下的窄路、朦朧街燈鋪下的光暈, 還有讓我豎起衣領的潮濕與寒冷。 而當我的眼睛被閃亮得劃破夜幕、 觸動了這片沉寂之聲的霓虹燈光所刺痛時,我看見了。
And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, People writing songs that voices never share And no one deared Disturb the sound of silence. 我在亮光之中看見了成千上萬、也許更多的人們。 人們茫然的說著和聽著, 卻毫無論述、也毫無傾聽。 人們寫了歌曲,卻不願大聲將它們傳唱出來。 人們都害怕自己成為打破這片沉寂之聲的那一個傢伙。
Fools said I,you do not know Silence like a cancer grows. Hear my words that I might teach you, Take my arms that I might reach you. But my words like silent raindrops fell, And echoed In the wells of silence 「傻子,」我說道,「沉默就像是漫延的毒癌,你不知道嗎?」 「也許聽我說能讓你想通一點,說不定我的臂膀能拉你一把......」 但我的話語就像無聲落下的雨滴, 只能在深井裡,沉寂的噗通一聲。
And the people bowed and prayed To the neon God they made. And the sign flashed out its warning, In the words that it was forming. And the signs said, the words of the prophets Are written on the subway walls And tenement halls. And whisperd in the sounds of silence. 人們正把那些他們親手製造的霓虹燈看成上帝,而屈身祈禱著。 然而霓虹標誌上的字眼,正一字一句閃亮的警告著。 那些字句所提醒的是── 「賢者與導師們的教導,早已寫在地鐵站的牆與住宅大廳上了。」 「也早已出現這片沉寂之聲裡,你我之間喃喃的自語之中了。」